
Welcome to Miami Dentistry on Blogger.com, your number one source for Miami dental research, news, and personal health care tips! Our blog is maintained by dental professionals who are passionate about educating their patients. We believe that individuals must be knowledgeable of holistic dental theory in order to full understand how to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other serious illnesses. This Holistic dentistry helps patients to understand how mental, emotional, and physical affect one another. For example, mental or emotional stress may often cause allusive physical ailments. Other times, poor nutrition (a physical thing) can have a very bad impact on emotional and emotional health! When we recognize the interconnected nature of the human body, we are better able to diagnose and prevent serious illnesses.

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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Why the fluoride in your water is bad

Is fluoride in your water a bad thing? According to the American Dental Association and a vast number of pro-fluoride lobbyists, fluoridated water is an essential component of maintaining healthy teeth. But when is fluoride a bad thing? According to recent reports, fluoride is causing serious side effects among certain American communities. The side effect is called fluorosis, a permanent discoloration of the teeth that is reaching epidemic levels in the US. So, is it time for the US to go fluoride-free like most of Europe, Australia, and other developed nations?

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mercury in Your Mouth [Free Infographic]

Mercury In Your Mouth [Free Infographic]

Mercury In Your Mouth [Free Infographic]
Is your dentist putting mercury in your mouth? Most Americans are shocked to learn that dental amalgam (silver fillings) is mixed with upward of 50% liquid mercury. A known neuro-toxin, mercury causes severe harm to the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, skin, and central nervous system. Although the American Dental Association has not yet banned the material, the World Health Organization has labeled dental amalgam as the single greatest source of mercury in non-industrial settings. Visit this infographic to learn more about mercury, dental amalgam, and the ways in which silver fillings can cause serious side effects. Visit the original infographic, Mercury in Your Mouth.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Is Baby Water with Fluoride Safe for Infants?

In a recent British survey, moms confessed to spending more than $7,000 by the time their child had his or her first birthday. This statistic illustrates just how far new parents are willing to go to ensure children are taken care of well. But what if the products new parents invest in are actually harmful? That question is being raised as US Court of Appeals agrees to hear oral arguments in the Nemphos vs. Nestle case. Ms. Nemphos alleges her daughter developed fluorosis from being exposed to a special type of high-fluoride bottled water that Nestle markets as being particularly beneficial in helping children develop strong teeth. Fluorosis is a permanent discoloration of tooth enamel, and Ms. Nemphos aims to recover damages to compensate her for the cost of treating the condition. Visit the Miami Dentist Blog to read more on this case as it evolves.

Is Baby Water with Fluoride Safe for Infants?

Fluoridated water is allegedly good for teeth. However, the US government has recently warned that fluoride levels might be too high for public water (source: Wall Street Journal). Backed by a strong fluoride-free grassroots lobby, holistic dentists from across America are speaking out against the dangers of fluoridated water. The fluoride debate has garnered greater attention recently after the US Court of Appeals agreed to hear oral arguments in the Nymphos vs. Nestle case. Ms Nymphos claims Nestle is responsible for her daughter’s permanently discolored teeth (a condition known as fluorosis). Ms. Nymphos alleges her daughter developed fluorosis after drinking Nestle Baby water for many years, a product the company openly markets as a highly fluoridated water designed to improve children’s teeth and oral health. For more on this developing story, visit the Miami Dentist Blog.